Showing posts with label Tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tips. Show all posts

Monday, October 10, 2016


Selamat ber Inspirasi :)
Seorang pria muda datang pada ibunya dan mengeluh tentang banyaknya permasalahan dalam kehidupannya.
Namun betapa kagetnya, karena ibunya hanya diam saja, seolah tidak ingin mendengar keluh kesahnya. Bah kan sang ibu malah masuk kedapur dan anaknya terus bercerita sambil mengikutinya.
Sang ibu lalumemasak air. Sampai airnya mendidih, lalu sang ibu menuangkan “air panas mendidih” itu ke dalam 3 gelas yang telah disiapkan.
Di gelas pertama ia masukkan WORTEL, di gelas ke dua ia masukkan TELUR, dan di gelas
ke tiga ia masukkan TEH.

Setelah menunggu beberapa saat, ia mengangkat isi ketiga gelas tadi, dan hasilnya :
  • WORTEL yang KERAS menjadi LUNAK
  • TELUR yang mudah PECAH menjadi KERAS
  • Dan THE menghasilkan aroma yang HARUM.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Buah buat penderita Diabetes

Jenis buah-buahan yang baik bagi penderita diabetes?

1. Apel
Mengkonsumsi apel segar sangat baik karena serat di dalamnya bisa membuat indeks glikemik

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Never give up

In the 1980s in the city held an international marathon race which was followed by thousands of runners from around the world. The competition was at a distance of 50 kilometers around the city. Millions of people from around the world watched the event through television channels and broadcast to hundreds of media directly.

There is one person who is the center of attention in the race, namely Mike. Mike was a veteran of the American war, and he lost both legs due to hit the mines during the war in Vietnam. To run, Mike used both hands to throw his body forward.

And then began the race. Thousands of people began to run as fast as possible to the finish line. Their faces showed a strong spirit. The unrelenting audience applauded for continuing to support the runners. 5 kilometers have passed. Some participants seemed onset of fatigue and began to walk away. 10 kilometers have passed. Here began to appear who prepare well, and who is just along for the fun. Some participants seemed exhausted decided to stop and ride the bus to the committee.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Four Things U can not Take Back

A young girl waiting for his flight at an airport waiting room is super busy
Because they have to wait for hours, he decided to buy a book to spend time. She also bought a packet of cake
He sat in the armchair, in the VIP lounge airport, to rest and read in peace
On the side of the armrest where the cake is, a man sitting in the next seat, opened the magazine and began to read
When he first took the cake, the man also helped take. The girl felt passionately but do not say anything. He just thinks:
"How dare! If I had I hit him too impatient to immodesty

Friday, July 12, 2013


Often men behave like children, attention, hard to understand, and can not keep. But men are no longer children. Should no longer often confusing behavior of women like that. Here are some bizarre behavior does and why they do it.
 1. Why do men complain with what you buy but he himself does not need
 to buy equipment? According to the counting of a man, every dollar is not created equal. In essence, any purchases by men less attractive or do not need (display, make up, antibiotics for children),

Monday, July 8, 2013


Baca dengan teliti... ini sangat penting!!!

Terkadang ada saat-saat dalam hidup ketika engkau merindukan seseorang begitu dalam, hingga engkau ingin mengambilnya dari angan-anganmu, lalu memeluknya erat-erat...

Ketika pintu kebahagiaan tertutup, pintu yang lain terbuka, tetapi seringkali kita memandang
terlalu lama pada pintu yang tertutup hingga kita tidak melihat pintu yang lain, yang telah terbuka bagi kita
Jangan percaya penglihatan... karena penglihatan dapat menipu.  Jangan percaya kekayaan, karena kekayaan dapat sirna.